45+ Years on all sides of the Corporate Coaching Table!
18 Years Executive Coaching / Development Experience
Launched in 2006, my Executive, Leader and Team Development and have since supported more than 1,000 executives and leaders with over 10,000 hours of coaching. My proprietary Coaching Engagement process has earned 100% Client-company Re-engagement and 100% Client Growth Assessed rates for over 18 years. I have supported coaches to use this process for their success since 2008.
Fortune 200 Corporate Executive 30-years
My corporate experience includes leading groups as large as 5,000 and budgets as big as $8 billion in a male-dominated company and industry. As a "serial" executive, I led two key operating functions to break through levels of success (Procurement and Product Development), and HR and Leadership Development. To this day, I remain the only woman to rise from entry level to the top of the house in its 170-year history.
A Legacy-based Approach to Success
I attribute my success throughout 45+ years on all sides of the Corporate Coaching table to three cornerstones of who I am and all I do. Everything I have had the opportunity to learn and create I have also used to mentor other coaches and consultants for over 16 years through my programs, products and hands-on support to be Inpowered® to live their great lives doing their greatest work building the 6-and 7-figure businesses they love. My "why" & my "how" are: LOVE. LEAD. LIFT.